The real problem is our solidarity campaign against one of the big blights of our society nowadays, the gender violence,
a problem that has always existed and that still we have not been able of eliminate.
we have choosed this slogan because we think a that a situable for our message tp the society. We want victims realisethat there is a solution for every problemin the world, that means that there is solution fot the victims of this kind of violence.
It is difficult to believe that with all the efforts that have been done to obtain the equality between the men and women, this problem continue existing and every day many women are murdered by their couple or ex-couple.
We think that the people don’t give to this issue the importance that is needed, our society is not enough aware.
The gender violence kills more people than cancer in a year, in addition it is a problem that exists all over the world and affects also to developed countries, for example, in Germany die an average of 331 women a year because of the gender violence.
This problem harms everyone, it is present in all the social classes, anyone can suffer this kind of violence, doesn’t matter your social position, your education or your culture.
Because of it, we have decided to create a campaign to make conscious the people and in order that those who are victims of this type of violence see that they are not alone and that the society is conscious of this problem and supports them.
Our campaing is directed to women, our objective is give them the encourage to break the silence and to ask for help and report their aggressors.
María Velázquez
Paula Velázquez
Paula Gasion
Aroa Borja